Global Influencer Program

Our Global Influencer Program exists to create a collective global voice in support of LGBT+ inclusion as a business and economic development issue. We put the evidence base for LGBT+ inclusion on high-level platforms to create allies among global influencers in business, government, and civil society.


Open for Business & ICC World Business Pride: Partnering for More Inclusive Workplaces

Open for Business has joined forces with ICC World Business Pride to advocate for the LGBTQ+ community in the workplace and beyond and to further the economic and business case for a more inclusive, more diverse world.

Read more here

21 CEOs publish a letter calling for the freedom to love and condemning anti-LGBT+ laws around the world. Open For Business worked with Virgin and the B Team to create this strong letter, which is one of the clearest signs that the business community is committed to LGBT+ inclusion globally.

Read more here

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Engaging global platforms

We work with our coalition partners to ensure the economic and business case is featured at various high-profile platforms around the world. In 2018, we had events at the World Economic Forum at Davos, the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, the European Parliament, the Equal Rights Coalition Summit, and others. Most recently, we led a delegation of business leaders to discuss LGBT+ rights at the Vatican.

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partnering with influential organizations

We also partner with global organizations from different sectors. This creates initiatives and opportunities for senior business leaders from our coalition partners to share their perspective on LGBT+ inclusion with global influencers who do not typically hear the private sector’s perspective. Examples of organizations we work with are Parliamentarians for Global Action and the Commonwealth.

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from discussion to action

While it is important to create these global conversations, we also work to ensure that we provide coalition partners with mechanisms to take action on LGBT+ inclusion in society. We are currently in the process of creating the first of these initiatives, which will focus on engaging the global investor community on LGBT+ inclusion.